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In the war of dragons

During the Merethic Era, when Ysgramor first set foot on Tamriel, his people brought with them a faith that worshiped animal gods. Chief among all animals was the dragon. In the ancient language of the Nords it was called “dra-gkon”. Sometimes the term “dov-ra” was also used, but what language it comes from and what its etymology is is unknown. No one was allowed to pronounce these names except the dragon priests. Great temples were erected to honor and appease dragons. Many of them have survived to this day as ancient ruins, inhabited by draugr and restless dragon priests.

Dragons willingly took on the role of human god-kings. Dragons granted dragon priests a small portion of their power in exchange for absolute obedience. The dragon priests, in turn, ruled the people along with the kings. The dragons, of course, had no interest in actually ruling. In Atmora, where Ysgramor and his people came from, dragon priests collected tribute, established laws and determined the principles of life, thanks to which peace was maintained between dragons and people. In Tamriel they became much less merciful. It is unknown what caused it – a power-hungry dragon priest, one of the dragons, or a number of weak kings. Be that as it may, the dragon priests began to rule with an iron fist, reducing the rest of the population to almost the level of slaves.

When the people rose up in rebellion, the dragon priests responded with reprisals. When the dragon priests could no longer collect tribute and control the populace, the dragons reacted quickly and brutally. Thus began the Dragon War.

At first, people died in the thousands. Ancient texts say that several dragons sided with humans. It is unknown why they did this. The priests of the Nine Divines claim that Akatosh himself intervened in what was happening. These dragons taught people magic, with the help of which they could fight back in an unequal battle. The situation began to change, and the dragons also began to die.

The war was long and bloody. The dragon priests were overthrown, and the dragons were destroyed en masse. The surviving dragons went on the run and chose a life of outcasts far from people. The dragon cult itself adapted and survived. The adherents built dragon mounds in which they buried the remains of the dragons killed during the war. According to their beliefs, a day will come when dragons will rise again and reward the faithful.